
Construction Market Data

Tue October 22 2024

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Sub-contractor Pay Trends December 2017

Hudson Contract delivers the most accurate indications of pay trends across the construction industry, using payroll data for over 2,200 construction companies to publish the average pay for a spectrum of 17 different trades now split across ten regions.

Snow in December – along with the mid-month cold snap – seems to have frozen monthly earnings at the end of 2017. 

“Sites across the country have fallen victim to the impact of the weather, hitting different regions at different times of the month,” says Hudson Contract Managing Director Ian Anfield.   

“Storm Caroline and Storm Dylan were additional handicaps, and a few clients advised that December had been a complete wipe out. For most, though, the disruption was short-lived and it was business as usual a week later. During all of this, national average earnings stayed more or less the same as November. So when you consider December is always a busy month for our clients, holding level, despite the weather trying to scupper the plans, isn’t too bad.”

In the South-West, where weather was less disruptive, it was a Merry Christmas for subbies, with an increase of almost six per cent – equivalent to an extra£50 a week. But at the opposite end of the country, those in the North-East dropped by a similar percentage, leaving them£30 a week worse off.

National Weekly Average Earnings December 2017:£869

Region December 2017 Average Change from November 2017
North East £730 -6.85%
North West £790 +3.54%
Yorkshire & Humber £823 -0.85%
East Midlands £904 -0.11%
West Midlands £896 -0.22%
Wales £763 -3.15%
East of England £927 -1.62%
London £877 +0.34%
South East £869 -1.96%
South West £828 +5.92%

Looking at the trends on a trade-by-trade basis, December winners are:

  • Steel & Timber Frame Erection:  +5.8%

Leading for the second successive month

  • Specialist Trades:  +2.7%

Strong gains in the South-East

  • Plumbing:  +2.5%

A good month in the South-West

And the losers:

  • Shop Fitting:  -6.6%

But earnings continue to be over£1,100 per week

  • Demolition & Wrecking:  -6.4%

Dropping below the£1,000 per week mark for the first time in four months

  • Equipment & Operator Hire:  -5.7%

A big lull in Yorkshire & Humber

Turning to the national picture, December’s IHS Markit/CIPS report showed a slight slowdown, although still maintaining growth for the third consecutive month. The number of housebuilding projects continued along with a return to growth for civil engineering.

“It’s also noteworthy that across the board, construction firms have been bringing in supplies to match the growth, to the extent that the quantity of purchases section of the index reached a two-year high in December,” Ian Anfield says. “Equally, I’ve been getting feedback from some clients about an upturn in new orders, which hopefully will translate into a positive few months as 2018 progresses.”

North East

NORTH EAST Sep-17 Oct-17 Nov-17 Dec-17
CIVIL ENGINEERING £814 £836 £845 £838
ELECTRICAL £666 £789 £810 £603
EQUIPMENT & OPERATOR HIRE £537 £541 £585 £585
GENERAL CONSTRUCTION £736 £762 £759 £711
INSULATION £636 £748 £720 £819
PLASTERING £631 £707 £781 £685
ROOFING £497 £966 £1,016 £754
SCAFFOLDING & LIFTING £421 £427 £465 £531
SHOP FITTING £554 £712 £766 £743
SPECIALIST TRADES £663 £580 £589 £550

North West

NORTH WEST Sep-17 Oct-17 Nov-17 Dec-17
BRICKLAYING £696 £730 £751 £710
CIVIL ENGINEERING £731 £727 £725 £761
DEMOLITION & WRECKING £797 £793 £827 £868
ELECTRICAL £845 £878 £858 £844
EQUIPMENT & OPERATOR HIRE £723 £756 £851 £864
GENERAL CONSTRUCTION £754 £734 £748 £813
INSULATION £1,002 £1,341 £1,203 £1,251
JOINERY £778 £813 £784 £791
MECHANICAL & ENGINEERING £638 £708 £1,222 £1,250
PLASTERING £612 £708 £651 £651
PLUMBING £765 £746 £818 £834
ROOFING £791 £837 £862 £987
SCAFFOLDING & LIFTING £581 £583 £582 £602
SHOP FITTING £1,065 £1,194 £1,170 £997
SPECIALIST TRADES £791 £873 £853 £879
STEEL & TIMBER FRAME ERECTION £596 £817 £601 £697
SURFACING CONTRACTORS £706 £702 £712 £740

Yorkshire & Humber

YORKSHIRE & HUMBER Sep-17 Oct-17 Nov-17 Dec-17
BRICKLAYING £680 £746 £759 £717
CIVIL ENGINEERING £719 £770 £783 £781
DEMOLITION & WRECKING £520 £578 £539 £547
ELECTRICAL £849 £850 £854 £741
EQUIPMENT & OPERATOR HIRE £993 £1,044 £979 £856
GENERAL CONSTRUCTION £767 £804 £816 £817
JOINERY £901 £812 £847 £820
MECHANICAL & ENGINEERING £849 £915 £958 £906
PLASTERING £669 £770 £714 £756
PLUMBING £627 £621 £701 £715
ROOFING £703 £717 £747 £793
SCAFFOLDING & LIFTING £531 £576 £550 £568
SHOP FITTING £1,177 £1,259 £1,249 £1,170
SPECIALIST TRADES £867 £943 £953 £985
STEEL & TIMBER FRAME ERECTION £866 £873 £955 £953
SURFACING CONTRACTORS £866 £852 £904 £880

East Midlands

EAST MIDLANDS Sep-17 Oct-17 Nov-17 Dec-17
CIVIL ENGINEERING £766 £774 £800 £774
DEMOLITION & WRECKING £698 £730 £740 £781
ELECTRICAL £1,091 £1,139 £1,079 £1,094
EQUIPMENT & OPERATOR HIRE £881 £828 £983 £907
GENERAL CONSTRUCTION £1,016 £1,049 £1,043 £1,082
INSULATION £763 £807 £849 £843
JOINERY £765 £813 £802 £802
PLASTERING £693 £733 £687 £756
PLUMBING £931 £917 £1,001 £974
ROOFING £901 £977 £882 £950
SCAFFOLDING & LIFTING £777 £761 £802 £782
SHOP FITTING £1,486 £1,367 £1,498 £1,374
SPECIALIST TRADES £945 £841 £950 £899
STEEL & TIMBER FRAME ERECTION £1,204 £897 £957 £1,164
SURFACING CONTRACTORS £829 £850 £866 £830

West Midlands

WEST MIDLANDS Sep-17 Oct-17 Nov-17 Dec-17
BRICKLAYING £387 £385 £394 £396
CIVIL ENGINEERING £852 £895 £902 £900
DEMOLITION & WRECKING £655 £666 £674 £641
ELECTRICAL £1,093 £1,106 £1,115 £1,183
EQUIPMENT & OPERATOR HIRE £853 £932 £936 £929
GENERAL CONSTRUCTION £836 £889 £845 £867
INSULATION £757 £690 £802 £725
JOINERY £831 £912 £897 £802
MECHANICAL & ENGINEERING £1,499 £1,156 £1,279 £1,125
PLASTERING £649 £658 £743 £886
PLUMBING £1,249 £1,318 £1,202 £1,188
ROOFING £501 £555 £565 £567
SCAFFOLDING & LIFTING £838 £787 £979 £966
SHOP FITTING £1,384 £1,297 £1,415 £1,061
SPECIALIST TRADES £945 £939 £960 £940
SURFACING CONTRACTORS £758 £819 £795 £714


WALES Sep-17 Oct-17 Nov-17 Dec-17
CIVIL ENGINEERING £726 £726 £734 £735
ELECTRICAL £767 £696 £641 £717
EQUIPMENT & OPERATOR HIRE £1,126 £1,293 £1,276 £1,191
GENERAL CONSTRUCTION £799 £924 £914 £870
JOINERY £533 £530 £575 £653
MECHANICAL & ENGINEERING £530 £492 £543 £518
PLASTERING £1,200 £1,230 £1,393 £1,260
PLUMBING £856 £840 £850 £837
ROOFING £533 £538 £558 £521
SCAFFOLDING & LIFTING £673 £703 £708 £674
SPECIALIST TRADES £710 £766 £707 £663
STEEL & TIMBER FRAME ERECTION £650 £574 £585 £890
SURFACING CONTRACTORS £1,239 £1,191 £1,391 £1,329

East of England

EAST OF ENGLAND Sep-17 Oct-17 Nov-17 Dec-17
BRICKLAYING £715 £750 £754 £737
CIVIL ENGINEERING £835 £865 £886 £844
DEMOLITION & WRECKING £654 £669 £653 £687
ELECTRICAL £1,242 £1,289 £1,298 £1,303
EQUIPMENT & OPERATOR HIRE £950 £982 £953 £947
GENERAL CONSTRUCTION £867 £914 £933 £912
INSULATION £1,142 £1,284 £1,336 £1,297
JOINERY £1,175 £1,270 £1,333 £1,219
MECHANICAL & ENGINEERING £976 £1,011 £1,062 £960
PLASTERING £869 £860 £848 £844
PLUMBING £1,373 £1,309 £1,323 £1,328
ROOFING £767 £785 £794 £729
SCAFFOLDING & LIFTING £810 £866 £862 £879
SHOP FITTING £1,264 £1,351 £1,194 £1,177
SPECIALIST TRADES £952 £971 £921 £973
STEEL & TIMBER FRAME ERECTION £638 £657 £754 £709
SURFACING CONTRACTORS £698 £698 £697 £677


LONDON Sep-17 Oct-17 Nov-17 Dec-17
BRICKLAYING £714 £792 £777 £759
CIVIL ENGINEERING £775 £803 £811 £802
DEMOLITION & WRECKING £1,135 £853 £854 £950
ELECTRICAL £973 £954 £984 £963
EQUIPMENT & OPERATOR HIRE £938 £1,199 £750 £750
GENERAL CONSTRUCTION £904 £941 £946 £968
INSULATION £983 £936 £1,040 £925
JOINERY £1,050 £1,201 £1,067 £1,199
MECHANICAL & ENGINEERING £1,095 £1,147 £1,202 £1,208
PLASTERING £1,071 £1,105 £1,181 £1,150
PLUMBING £918 £1,010 £1,027 £1,049
ROOFING £682 £678 £665 £675
SCAFFOLDING & LIFTING £1,064 £1,145 £1,079 £1,131
SHOP FITTING £856 £751 £650 £734
SPECIALIST TRADES £987 £1,009 £1,041 £1,054
STEEL & TIMBER FRAME ERECTION £712 £781 £884 £835
SURFACING CONTRACTORS £463 £550 £643 £701

South East

SOUTH EAST Sep-17 Oct-17 Nov-17 Dec-17
BRICKLAYING £753 £813 £799 £725
CIVIL ENGINEERING £729 £767 £784 £815
DEMOLITION & WRECKING £1,227 £1,250 £1,287 £1,140
ELECTRICAL £1,110 £1,132 £1,157 £1,178
EQUIPMENT & OPERATOR HIRE £769 £782 £827 £790
GENERAL CONSTRUCTION £817 £848 £839 £830
INSULATION £695 £691 £768 £823
JOINERY £1,010 £1,095 £1,120 £1,086
MECHANICAL & ENGINEERING £1,085 £1,118 £1,101 £1,115
PLASTERING £677 £658 £716 £734
PLUMBING £993 £1,010 £1,021 £1,041
ROOFING £727 £735 £778 £771
SCAFFOLDING & LIFTING £765 £799 £792 £762
SHOP FITTING £1,336 £1,249 £1,254 £1,415
SPECIALIST TRADES £776 £845 £819 £888
STEEL & TIMBER FRAME ERECTION £676 £739 £751 £787
SURFACING CONTRACTORS £750 £753 £838 £807

South West

SOUTH WEST Sep-17 Oct-17 Nov-17 Dec-17
BRICKLAYING £500 £500 £500 £500
CIVIL ENGINEERING £690 £710 £705 £753
ELECTRICAL £726 £722 £712 £790
EQUIPMENT & OPERATOR HIRE £581 £532 £538 £613
GENERAL CONSTRUCTION £788 £838 £817 £897
INSULATION £1,309 £1,312 £1,248 £1,313
JOINERY £1,011 £1,090 £1,085 £1,100
MECHANICAL & ENGINEERING £672 £733 £680 £652
PLASTERING £730 £736 £810 £825
PLUMBING £1,210 £1,314 £1,294 £1,388
ROOFING £740 £821 £792 £916
SPECIALIST TRADES £821 £1,103 £1,091 £1,080
SURFACING CONTRACTORS £638 £643 £645 £660